It is easy to think of artificial intelligence as a future filled with robots who make us cups of tea and chauffeur us around in our spaceships. But AI is already here, and it is transforming the way we live. 

We find ourselves asking Siri what the definition of woke is, telling Alexa to play some Ed Sheeran or saying, “OK Google, do I need to pack an umbrella today?” These are all examples of AI, and beyond what we imagined for everyday life 100 years ago. 

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence is the development of computer systems that are able to perform tasks normally carried out by humans. It includes learning, planning and problem-solving.

AI has seeped in to all aspects of our lives.

Whenever you shop online, you’re feeding data back so that the site knows what to recommend to you next time you log in, or even to tailor-make online ads to items you’ve looked at.

Netflix will analyse billions of records to suggest films you might like based on your previous reactions and choices.

Even your social media feeds are dictated by AI. It will process all of your past behaviour, web searches and interactions to curate your feed so you keep coming back to it again and again.

AI at work

Advancements in AI doesn’t just affect home life, there’s been a significant impact in the work place as well.

In the manufacturing industry, machine learning and AI is leading the way on improving efficiency. Machines can process large amounts of data and draw conclusions faster than us mere humans could ever imagine. AI can track productivity levels and predict when repairs will need to be carried out.

AI can spot abnormalities on your computer servers and improve cyber security because the scale and complexity of cyber issues is so unfathomably large, that machines are far better tooled than humans to spot issues.

Customer Experience

According to research by Walker, customer experience will be the key brand differentiator by 2020 – ahead of price and product. AI can help personalise customer experience without increasing man power by learning to anticipate our needs.

Already we are seeing customer service supported by the use of chatbots. They learn from the people who usually do the job, and eventually are able to answer questions like a real employee would do.

Going further AI can monitor brand perception on social media and track customer trends. This takes the guesswork out of business decisions and helps brands stay in line with customer needs.

What does the future hold?

We’re led to believe its self-driving cars and that Amazon will be sending us products before we even realise we want them!

Here at etac solutions we have access to technology that can transform your business processes.

We aren’t dealing with tea-making robots just yet, but we do have the knowledge and expertise to implement change in your business that can really make a positive change to the way your business works.

Contact us today to found out more on 01952 897 010 or

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